Awesome game here man. And awesome soundtrack. ;D lol
I played this for about 45 minutes I guess and had the most trouble with the getting 300+ guests in the park. [Still haven't gotten there but the average amount of guests is rising every minute or so, I'll get it eventually.]
Overall the idea for this game is pretty cool and it's pretty well done. I saw on Kongregate how some were saying it needed a tutorial. While I agree somewhat, it was also fun to try and figure it out by myself.
The game could probably use a little more visual variation with random color schemes for the rides or even a visible night/day cycle or something. The black background is kinda meh but the random clouds up top is a nice touch.
So not long after playing this I think I found a [small] glitch or something. I was moving a Fruit Stand and moved it near a tree when the fruit stand disappeared making me stuck in the editing screen. To fix the problem I had to reload the game and continue, however the Fruit Stand had disappeared. Not sure what caused this or whatever but it's something.
Awesomely done once again on the game dude. Keep up the good work. Had lots of fun with this one.